Monetize your Website or Blog as a Publisher with Native ads

Join our community of media owners, bloggers, and web publishers monetizing their website content/audience with native advertising.

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Monetize your website or blog as a Publisher with native ads

Website Requirements for Publishers and Media Owners
Our commitment to traffic quality and platform sustainability demands that we only accept websites of media and audience owners that meet certain criteria. The following is an in-exhaustive list of requirements and guidelines for publishers and media owners.
Website Requirements:
1. The website must be responsive (mobile and desktop) friendly.**
2. Offers a good user experience and must be easy to navigate.**
3. The website must have good quality content (SEO content preferably).**^
4. It should have been indexed by Google (at least 250 pages indexed).*
5. The website must have a Domain Authority (Moz DA) score of at least 20.**
6. It should have a good amount of organic search traffic of at least 5K monthly visits.*
7. The website must not have intrusive popups or redirect ads.**

**Required *Preferred ^Applicable to blogs/content sites

While we require you to have the minimum traffic stated above, we pay greater attention to content age and quality. This means that a website with quality and aged content may be considered even without meeting the minimum traffic requirement.

General Guidelines for Publishers / Media Owners:
1. On no account should you click on the ads we serve to your platform.
2. You must not encourage others to click on the ad we serve or engage in activities that will encourage them to do so.
3. All clicks and engagements on the ads we serve must be organic and should be based on real user intents.
4. You must update your website audience, category, and vertical on your dashboard if you decide to change your niche or if there is a change in your audience.
5. You must not use bots or automated scripts to inflate the clicks and impressions delivered on the ads we serve.
6. Our ads must not be served next to pornographic or sexually explicit content.

Submitting your Website to the platform:
Once you’ve signed up, verified your email address, reviewed the website requirements, and you are confident that your website meets these requirements, kindly proceed to fill in your website information as follows:
1. Enter the domain of the website, without the http/https (eg.
2. Select your website category/niche
3. Enter a brief description for the website this will appear on the marketplace listing of the website
4. Select the target country, age group(s), gender, level(s) of education, income group(s), and religion that best describes your target audience.
5. Review and submit.

We will review and update the status of your website within 12 to 48 hours after submission. Kindly note that contacting support cannot fast-track this review process.

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